
Friday, April 06, 2007

Why Singapore women won't have to be maids

I REFER to the recent statements to the press by Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew in which he described the scenario which would happen if Singapore were to lose the People's Action Party (PAP) government leadership and be led by other less capable leaders.

I particularly take offence at the suggestion that Singaporean women would have to become maids in other countries, as this puts us in a bad light.

Much as I do not deny that we need to pay our ministers what they are worth, which is altogether another topic, I strongly suggest that this scenario does not paint a true picture of the Singapore I know.

I believe Singaporeans are made of sterner stuff than what MM Lee suggested and have the courage to overcome adversity, with or without the PAP.

If the entire Government were to resign for pay reasons, I am certain many Singaporeans with the heart and talent would step forward to take the mantle. MM Lee can rest assured of this.

The main reason Singaporeans do not want to step into politics is the negative culture and image created by the many lawsuits as well as obstacles put in the way of opposition parties.

Without a truly creative and competitive environment, the PAP will have to use other ways and means to persuade quality people to join the Government. That may be a problem created by the Government itself.


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