
Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Helping hand from venture capital

Where can I get assistance?
  • HOW can I find venture capital for my tech firm?

    You can approach the Singapore Venture Capital and Private Equity Association for funding assistance. Visit

    Also see the list of venture capital firms at

    What are the terms involved?

  • HOW does venture capital work? Will an investor have a say in how my business is run?

    Venture capital is one of the more popular forms of risk capital used to finance high-risk, high-growth, high-return businesses in exchange for an equity stake. A venture capital firm comprises individuals who professionally manage funds specifically set aside for investment in companies to obtain a certain investment return.

    The amount of equity that a venture capitalist holds is usually based on a combination of several factors, including the company's stage of development at the time of investment, the perceived risk and the total amount invested.

    A venture capitalist's primary concern is to invest for returns and so he would work with the company to place it in the best position to succeed.

    In addition to providing capital, venture capitalists often share their expertise and experience and may ask for a place on the board.

    The venture capitalist will require a clear exit strategy - preferably in the form of a public offer or trade sale. When a firm lists, the venture capitalist may sell his stake to the public after the listing.

    Answers provided by Spring Singapore

    For more information, go to


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